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Edexcel Project Qualification Overview 

Edexcel Project Qualification Overview



What is the Project Qualification?

What is Required to Complete the Project Qualification?

Why Complete a Project?

How Does GroundMark Learning Support Students?

GroundMark Learning’s Learning Platform




GroundMark Learning has partnered with Tutors & Exams to offer students an all-inclusive package for the completion of the Project Qualification.

This package includes:

  • Supervision and guidance

  • Access to GroundMark Learning’s learning platform for access to additional guidance and support

  • Marking

  • Internal Moderation

  • The Exam Board entry fee

  • Submission to the Exam Board for Moderation


What is the Project Qualification?


The Project Qualification helps students of all abilities and interests to acquire independent learning skills. Learners can use these new skills in their existing study as well as to prepare for higher education and working life.

The Project Qualification gives learners the opportunity to:

  • learn more about an area that interests them

  • research a subject that might not be available through other qualifications

  • develop independent research and project management skills

  • develop skills at Level 2 that will help with sixth form or college

  • at Level 3, enhance these skills and achieve additional UCAS points

  • learn skills that will help in higher education or the workplace

  • develop future employability skills.


The Project allows students to carry out research on a topic that they have chosen and are interested in. Students can choose their own topic and research and develop it independently, with the support and guidance of a supervisor. They then produce a Written Report, which will vary in length as shown below.

We offer the Project at 2 Levels:





Whilst, at Level 2 the Project can take the form of a Written Report, an Artefact, a Design or a Performance - we are only able to offer candidates the option of preparing a Written Report.

Similarly, whilst at Level3, the Project can take the form of a Dissertation, an Investigation or Fieldwork, an Artefact or a Performance - we are only able to offer candidates the option of preparing a Dissertation (Written Report).


The Level 2 Higher Project is equivalent to half a GCSE

The Level 3 Extended Project is equivalent to half an A level. The Level 3 qualification is also worth up to 28 UCAS points.

Project qualifications fit flexibly into the school and home learning curriculum and can be taken at KS3, and alongside GCSEs, A Levels and other qualifications.


What is Required to Complete the Project Qualification?

To gain the qualification, students will need to:

  • Select an area of interest and a title – which must be approved by their exam centre

  • Complete a production log – A diary that logs the progress they have made throughout their project

  • Research – A collection of sources that relate to their chosen area of study

  • Complete a Written Report/Dissertation

  • Deliver a presentation – which summarises their project and reflects on the project’s outcomes


Why Complete a Project?

Taking part allows students to discover the joys of independent learning, take responsibility for their own study and develop new life and study skills.

The skills that students develop can enhance performance in other subjects, whilst also developing the core skills needed for independent learning. These skills are transferable and support successful progression to university and into careers.

The Project Qualification is recognised and recommended by universities, schools, colleges and students for the valuable skills it provides.


How Does GroundMark Learning Support Students?

Each student is allocated a Project Supervisor, who will support and guide them throughout the Project and will:

  • Review the student’s initial ideas

  • Agree the student’s working title and sign-off the Project Proposal Form

  • Discuss the record of initial ideas and how the student intends to develop the Project

  • Arrange regular progress reviews and give appropriate feedback and guidance

  • Assess/mark the Project

  • Oversee the Presentation

  • Endorse the student’s Project Activity Log


GroundMark Learning’s Learning Platform

In order to further support students, GroundMark Learning has prepared narrated slides and other resources, which can be accessed via GroundMark Learning’s learning platform. Each student is given a username and password to access these resources.


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