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Edexcel Level 2 Higher Project Qualification (HPQ)

FULLY ONLINE - Edexcel Level 2 Higher Project Qualification (HPQ)


What is the Level 2 Higher Project Qualification (HPQ)?

What are the benefits of completing the HPQ?

How Does GroundMark Learning Support Students?

How long will it take?

When is the best time to complete the HPQ?


How do I Apply to Complete the HPQ



What is the Level 2 Higher Project Qualification (HPQ)?

The Higher Project Qualification (HPQ) is an Edexcdel Level 2 qualification that is roughly equivalent to half a GCSE. Taking part allows students to discover the joys of independent learning, take responsibility for their own study and develop new life and study skills.

There is no external exam. The HPQ is internally assessed by a Project Supervisor and moderated by both the Project Co-ordinator and the Exam Board.

This qualification has been designed to stretch and challenge students by developing important academic skills required at higher education.  Students will learn essential skills such as: referencing; essay writing; creating a bibliography; creating a presentation, researching and deploying secondary and primary sources.

To gain the qualification, students will need to:

  1. Complete a Project Activity Log – A diary that logs the progress they have made throughout the year.

  2. Carry out Research – A collection of sources that relate to their topic.

  3. Complete a 2000-2500 word written report.

  4. Deliver a short presentation about their Project to a small non-specialist audience.


What are the benefits of completing the HPQ?

  • It gives students the chance to develop skills of independent learning and provides the opportunity to try something outside or beyond the scope of the main curriculum.

  • It encourages self-determination and ownership of a Project.

  • Students decide on the title and the form it will take; we provide the tools, teach the skills and help the pupil to create a piece of work which is truly theirs.

  • It is an excellent addition to a student’s academic profile and can demonstrate interest and deeper knowledge in a subject area, which may support an application for Sixth Form, College or an Apprenticeship

  • It is also really good stepping stone to the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), which reinforces and develops these skills still further.

  • It is viewed highly by universities.


How Does GroundMark Learning Support Students?

At the start of the Project you will be assigned a Project Supervisor who will be your point of contact throughout the HPQ.

You will have 5 meetings with your Project Supervisor during the process:

  1. Initial Meeting to Discuss Your Project Proposal

  2. Review of Research Write-Up

  3. Review of Discussion Chapter

  4. Review of Introduction, Summary, Conclusion and Evaluation

  5. Presentation Discussion

You will also be given access to GroundMark Learning’s learning platform which has resources specifically written to support you as you work through the HPQ.

You will receive teaching and guidance to get you started, to help with planning and researching and presentation skills, and to keep you on track as you work through your chosen Project. There's no formal restriction on your Project topic: that's negotiated between you and your Project adviser, who will help you choose a topic you will enjoy and cope with.


Your Project Supervisor will:

  • Review the your initial ideas

  • Agree your working title and proposal and sign-off the Project Proposal Form

  • Discuss the record of initial ideas and how you intend to develop the Project

  • Arrange regular progress reviews and give appropriate feedback and guidance

  • Assess/mark the Project (which will be moderated by the Exam Board)

  • Oversee the Presentation

  • Endorse your Project Activity Log

It is, however, important to remember that the HPQ is highly regarded as a qualification earned through self-study and research so it is important that the input of your Project Supervisor is light touch, thereby ensuring the integrity of your result.


How long will it take?

Generally, the whole process from start to finish takes about 60 hours.


When is the best time to complete the HPQ?

At GroundMark Learning we generally find that when students are academically ready to start their GCSE and/or BTEC studies, they are also ready to start the HPQ.

However, we would recommend that students complete the HPQ during the year preceding the final year of their GCSE and/or BTEC studies.

This will enable them to focus fully on their GCSEs and/or BTECs in their final year.

GroundMark Learning is required to submit the HPQ in May.

HOWEVER. to give us time to mark and moderate each HPQ we will require students to submit their completed HPQ to us by 15 March.


We appreciate that students will be starting the HPQ at different times of the year so at their initial meeting the Project Supervisor will advise each student on the most realistic assessment window to target for completion and submission.



The all-inclusive fee for completion of the Level 2 Higher Project Qualification (HPQ is £525 and includes:

  • Supervision and guidance

  • Access to CentreGrade’s learning platform for access to additional guidance and support

  • Marking

  • Internal Moderation

  • The Exam Board entry fee

  • Submission to the Exam Board for Moderation


How do I Apply to Complete the HPQ

You will need to complete an online application through one of Tutors & Exams’ centres. This will ensure that your correct details are submitted to Edexcel. We have attached an Application Guide to take you through the process.

It is worth a reminder that because the Project is delivered fully online you will not need to physically visit the exam centre so it does not matter which centre you select. You may, however, have a preferred Tutors & Exams’ centre where you have previously sat exams and already know the staff or you may want to select the closest one to you.



For further information contact us

Whats is level 2
Functional Skills Mathematics Level 2 – Distance Learning Course: About
What are the benefits of completing the HPQ?
how GML support
How long will it take?
When is the best time to complete the HPQ?
How do I Apply to Complete the HPQ

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44 Holly Walk, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom, CV32 4PX

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